Evolution after 5 years

I think playmail.sprawl.it was a funny website, anyway…….

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
Ill never look into your eyes…again

This is the end





96 risposte a “Evolution after 5 years”

  1. Avatar Nick

    Many thanks. Keep the database, give it later to someone willing to restart it. Information spread is unstoppable. Cheers.

  2. Avatar mark

    So sorry to see you go. Playmail is something I looked foward to everyday. I lost interest in internet porn after finding your site full of truly wonderful women of yesteryear PB. It is somewhat shortsighted of PB.
    Thanks for your efforts.

  3. Avatar Miki dodli do
    Miki dodli do

    Cant describe what a suprise it was to bump in to your page! well, good stuff dont last long. Farewell and, tnx 🙂

  4. Avatar Pirim

    It seems to me, that Playboy should have bought Playmail and made a social network or something — you had pretty nice thing going. Appealing to copyright is always easier than thinking, I guess.

    Thanks for everything you’ve done!

  5. Avatar Deepcool

    it is a pity, I imagine how gentily proposed it to you, and now, we loving them of those beauties, as we are going to obtain those wonderful images that you have in the portal? Good, in any case, thank you very much by those good moments, until always and you do not doubt in contacting. Until always friend.

  6. Avatar Latvian boy
    Latvian boy

    NOOOO! I want your homepage back!!!

  7. Avatar Jona

    It was great. I loved the match race.
    Gonna miss that. Got to see those
    models without spendin the $$$.
    I still say Candy Loving is the greatest ever.

  8. Avatar Vladimir Illich
    Vladimir Illich

    Thanks for the effort. it was fun while it lasted but Playboy is becoming an outdated institution and its photographers’ and readers’ tastes are corny. This monotonous succession of Busty Boring Blond Bimbos was increasingly lacking in excitement. Don’t they know about the beauty of African, Asian, Middle-Eastern women ? Thousands of beautiful creatures can be admired for free on Russian, Chinese, japanese sites.

    Best wishes

  9. Avatar Turbo V8
    Turbo V8

    What a great service you have provided. Your site will be sorely missed.

  10. Avatar Richard

    Nooooo.Say it isn’t so.I hope that one day things can be worked out so we can get your service back.Keep me/us updated with any changes.The site will be missed.

  11. Avatar Sonny

    Grazie, Grazie for the excellent site. It was well executed and ordered, tasteful, showcased how artistic nude photography in Playboy used to be and lacked those annoying flashing banners. In other words, your site was everything the current Playboy site is not. I believe the same thing has happened to other European sites. Sigh. Good Luck on your future enterprises!

  12. Avatar Timanel

    Loved your site. Sorry to see it go! Thanks for all the great photos you shared with us.

  13. Avatar Niliaend

    Thank you for your great site and mailing list! It gave every day a little moment of beauty, that’s a lot!
    I’ll miss your work!

  14. Avatar David Ouellet
    David Ouellet

    Thanks for years of pleasure

  15. Avatar andy

    Playmail was a great incentive to get to e-mail on time, daily. It added true pleasure to the daily grind.

  16. Avatar nicos_const

    Good Luck our friend. Thank you for everything.
    Take Care. Hope Soon you will be with us again.
    The Beauty never dies.

  17. Avatar nanook

    So sad to get a farewell from playmail. I really enjoyed the site and even though I only had the pleasure of seeing it for a couple of months, I can say I it will be missed. Thanks for making a great site and a big boooo to the playboy people for having it taken off line. Take care man and hope to see more of your work in the near future!!

  18. Avatar Gregg

    Thanks so much for the great site, I’ve always been a lover of the Playboy Playmate of the Month, you done such a great job it’s a shame Playboy couldn’t respect the great work you doing. Ole Hef should offer something free to all of us!!!
    Thanks for sharing

  19. Avatar Ian

    I subscribed in November 2007 (wish I had found you earlier!) and have really enjoyed the site and daily email. When the daily emails stopped, I went looking for what had happened to you but found nothing – but guessed that Playboy had caught up with you.

    If your collection is available somewhere I would really appreciate a copy to add to my humble collection.

    Thank you for notifying us of what had happened and good luck in any future enterprise. Keep me on your mailing list.


  20. Avatar Jeff Laugtug
    Jeff Laugtug

    I am trully sorry that your website had to leave us. It tastefull and non-pornographic I hope that you will come back some day and let us all visit again. It would be a pleasure as it always has been. I don’t understand why you had to leave us. Hope to see you again soon.

  21. Avatar John W
    John W

    Damn you Hef! I do miss a nice pubic triangle and real titts. Do we have that to blame on you old man? Hurry up and die. You are a mockery of everything you once stood for. I hear ya got a crypt next to Monroe. Sorry to inform you pal, but she don’t meet your most recent ideas of the female form. Rest in peace, and soon I hope. Man, did you make me mad by hurting this great sitr.

  22. Avatar Steve-o

    Playboy shouldn’t have bee intimidated, they still have PLENTY of ads to support them. I will miss starting my day with Playmate of the day and Match Race. Memories of Playmates past…

  23. Avatar Ice

    Sad to see you go. I’ve missed the last few weeks and surmised something like this was afoot. Maybe Playboy would be interested in letting you continue if you shared the statistics of your viewers. They don’t have an similar feature. You should watch carefully to ensure they don’t “steal” your ideas.

  24. Avatar Paul

    You are already a part of my life…I feel soooooo sorry that you go away like this.
    Thank you for giving me so many wonderful days each time I opened my email from you.

  25. Avatar Dave

    I agree with that guy a few messages back. Where else can you go for all natural women (From the 50-80″s)? Please come back if you can.

  26. Avatar D Haines
    D Haines

    Loved you site. So many lost playmates. Your efforts will be missed.

  27. Avatar Jay

    One less thing to look forward too. Will miss the daily.

  28. Avatar glad you're ok

    i figured something like that had happened but no word until now so glad you’re alright and thanks for the fun. good luck to you.

    whoa! your page is writing my comment in ajax below!

  29. Avatar Porfeshar

    Good luck, hope to see u again.
    May be the Playmate team was right (the copy right issue), but don’t be sad or sorry, you did really well.
    A comment: why don’t u think of a new site (full of fun), with all these fan you have? it might be a good business for you (we will support you by visiting your site).
    Anyway Thanks

  30. Avatar Tim

    Thanks for sharing all the girls with us!

  31. Avatar Tuan Long
    Tuan Long

    thanks u very much.Best wishes for u

  32. Avatar Brent

    too bad – i really enjoyed the daily pics – who wouldnt – these are beautiful women – thanks for the site

  33. Avatar Falco2112

    Thanks for the beautifull years. I really miss your e-mails.

  34. Avatar Sam Waterson
    Sam Waterson

    I agree with that guy John W. about the lack of natural women lnow days. (But John, why so harsh on Hef?) You can kind’a get some on ATK but most of those girls are dogs, either pierced tattoed wonders or geriatrics. Why, why, why do young people insist on marking up thier bodies and changing the waqy God wants them to be? Maybe before I die I will see a turn around of this farce!

  35. Avatar luic

    What a pity !
    I just hope everybody try to share through p2p all the related material they might have. These guys from Playboy are really stupid. What you were doing was a service to them, it was really free publicity for them. I was even considering to subscribe Playboy….
    Well, it was good while it lasted. Congratulation for your terrific job. Wish you all the luck, all the best. Hope your next ventures are plenty of success.
    Thank you very much for the wonderful work. I hope to hear from you again.

  36. Avatar Kinkyd4me

    At least there are a few of you out there that agree with me that “natural” women are the best. I never looked at the stuff past the mid 80’s, too plastic. Hell, shaved crotches seems too much like pedophilia to me. This web site was awesome, women like they used to be–and as they should be. Man, if there is anyway in Hell that you could come back, please do. Untill that wonderous day, thanks for all you have done for us in the past. Take care my friend.

  37. Avatar Randy

    Knowing that (very) good things don’t usually last, I downloaded most of the playmates of the late 60’s, the 70’s and early 80’s, as soon as I discovered the site a few months ago. Now it is a very precious collection, especially seeing the Playboy girls of today, all silicon and shaved pubic hair, ridiculous. Thank you so much for allowing us to save those really sexy girls, for they were more sexy than any girl photographed today that we see on the net. All the best in your future endeavours and please advise us if you come up with any new great ideas.

  38. Avatar KillerKarlKastanski

    Pussy, pussy, pussy. Never enough time for that, just not that shaved stuff. Me likes mine furry and sweet smelling. Where else can I get my fi?. Anyone know? Playboy, the good one, is dead. What is left is like a zombie, on auto pilot for a senile Hefner who forgot what a real woman looks like. I would subscribe again if REAL women were in it. Untill then, I need to keep looking for what you gave us good buddy.

  39. Avatar david

    great page.
    thank you for your time and your work during these years!

  40. Avatar Raymond

    Thats just so disappointing. Been a fan for a long time, totally sad that you are going offline. Wishing you the very best

  41. Avatar Brent

    Seeing those old photos brought back my younger days of sneaking a peak at a Playboy in my Dads barbershop where the customers always enjoyed them. Women then seemed just like the girl down the street.(Or at least one from across town, maybe the one you would only get to date if your Pa owned the local steel mill or something,)
    Now when ever I happen to be exposed to a “modern” Playmate, it doesn’t do anything for me. These girls sure are not what you could see at school and lust for from afar. These ones came from Dr. Frankenstiens lab or something. Truly, not real. And beyond that, seemingly, less sincere; less innocent. Certinly not the girls of my dreams. They are akin to what has happenned to popular music. Quickly rushed out, corporate ideas of what music should be. Neither feels real or is ultimatley satisfying. Thankyou for your past service to us. Take Care.

  42. Avatar peter

    sorry you’re gone. Saved some of the oldest pages on a cd, fortunately. Hope tot see you again sometime, somewhere.

  43. Avatar Tubaing

    Thanks so very much for a quality presentation of some truly beautiful art. Too bad it can no longer be shared. I’ll never buy another Playboy magazine again!!! I think Hef is loosing it.

  44. Avatar Stuart

    Thanks for brining back a lot of old girlfriends from the 70’s & 80″s. They were fun.

  45. Avatar Zagore

    I still miss it!

  46. Avatar Nicefiller

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