Evolution after 5 years

I think playmail.sprawl.it was a funny website, anyway…….

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
Ill never look into your eyes…again

This is the end





96 risposte a “Evolution after 5 years”

  1. Avatar alessandro

    Sei un mito…………………………………… Anche se la canzone parla di un’altra fine, un po più definitiva diciamo……………. ecco!

  2. Avatar Gary

    You will be missed. Brought back a lot of memories of long past Playmates. Really enjoyed Playmate of the day and the Match Race. Nothing good last forever and the bad thing just stay and stay.

  3. Avatar Akbar

    Thanks for all the great pics. It’s unfortunate that playboy themselves cant seem to offer a great service like you did.

  4. Avatar NoWayJose

    Funny, I had begun to think that I would subscribe to Playboy because of all the Bunny’s I got to see here. Porn has become blahse’ on the net and seeing the beauty in the Playboy photos reawakened what art there is in what they do. Now, they have just made me realize that it is all corporate and nothing more.

    Thanks for the fun while it lasted.

  5. Avatar alessandro

    Goodbye boy, so long, farewell…………….

  6. Avatar ben

    well so much for my collecting centerfolds good while it lasted. thanks.

  7. Avatar M Paul Lloyd
    M Paul Lloyd

    First of all please forgive my total lack of Italian, a fine language that i lack the ability to understand. I am so sorry to here this very sad news, I guessed as much might be afoot after I started getting error404 messages and given the current litigious attitude over copyright I am not surprised, but still feel that Playboy are being extremely petty and childish about what was just a bit of harmless fun, indeed they might actually have learnt a thing or two had they paid attention to your voting pole system. I will miss Playmail very much indeed, but wish you well in whatever venture you may choose to pursue in future. Good luck to you.
    M Paul Lloyd

  8. Avatar jim

    also sorry to see the end of this entertaining, intelligent and well done site. i too grew suspicious lately when i couldn’t connect. only wish now that i would have dl’d many of the earlier playmates. thank you for the good work.

  9. Avatar robert

    thanks for everything. sad to see it go.

  10. Avatar ph145

    i gonna miss it
    thank you and good luck

  11. Avatar Nujo Srekoob
    Nujo Srekoob

    Thank you for the wonderful site. I can’t buy PB in my country, so it was great to have an opportunity to view all the playmates. I wish I knew about your site earlier, and never thought that the site will be closed, so I haven’t DLed many but is there a way I can DL the data somehow?

  12. Avatar BP

    This was a great site,very sad to see it go.It was great seeing girls of the past and the present.
    Good Luck!!

  13. Avatar joe

    all for the dollar. the earliest photos have out lived their original (C) protections though.

  14. Avatar Bill

    I,too,loved your site. I loved the choice of pics, pics that I had not seen.
    I remain curious about how and where you got them, especially as I am currently looking for two pics in particular:
    1.More shots of Playboy Playmate Victoria Cunningham in the coat that she wears in her centerfold, and
    2.More shots of Playmate Shay Knuth in that mini-dress she has on in the disco sequence of pics in her cnterfold spread.

  15. Avatar Dave

    Loved your site. Sorry to see it go! Thanks for all the great photos you shared with us.

  16. Avatar Walter

    Well, after I noticed I wasn’t getting the daily email anymore, I pretty much suspected that Playboy, Inc. had gotten to you. Thanks for the email letting us all know what happened. And thanks for keeping the site going as long as you did.

    Oh, a question: after all the rankings and match race that was done, I’d say you must have accumulated a pretty accurate tabulation of which photos and which playmates are the most popular. Probably a heck of a lot more accurate than the rankings that Playboy has published in their magazine. Do you have a final result we could all see? I doubt Playboy, Inc. would be interested in it, because they don’t want to publicly acknowledge you. But we KNOW it’s probably the best ranking out there.

  17. Avatar AYHJA

    Thanks for the hard work and effort in creating such a great site…I wish you the best..!

  18. Avatar greg

    Loved all that you had to offer. Hopefully you can be back in a slightly different format that does not void the copyright.

  19. Avatar anon

    Playboy sucks! Playmates are skinny. Horrible

  20. Avatar Paul

    Sorry man! I really enjoyed it and I am sure that you have somewhat of a ‘victory’ in that you have had so many supporters and have livened up the lives of your followers.

    Good luck, God bless, and “remember the Playmates!”


  21. Avatar Mike

    Is there anyway to keep your enews letter going, can they stop you from emailing

  22. Avatar sinbad

    Enjoyed your site – mui caliente! You should use your extensive email list to help with the global energy crisis. You could make mucho dinero as an MPG50 affiliate or distributor. See http://mpg50.com or email me: [email protected] for info.

  23. Avatar Bob

    What a shame. It was a unique resource. I wish there had been some warning. I’m sure PB thought it was cutting into their business, so their actions are hardly surprising. While that may be true to a degree, my guess is that most of your followers wouldn’t subscribe to PB Online. Especially now.
    PB has been going the wrong way for years. They used to have beautiful, natural girls. Now the standard is blond and skinny with silicone tops. Silicone makes girls look great in clothes, but undressed they’re all the same. Boring, boring, boring.

  24. Avatar derek

    Sorry to hear the news – I was looking forward to your return although I thought it was on the cards that Hef’s Empire would step in to stop a free of charge site when they could make even more money out of what you’ve been doing extremely well for the past few years. Thought you’d be around for much longer but it’s all about money at the end of the day.

    Especially liked the month by month list of playmates – not just lovely ladies but a history of the pinup showing the changing styles of glamour photography since the fifties.

    But having said that, playmates have become more and more unreal since the eighties and, for the last twenty years, have just been barbies and plastic in every sense of the word. Always fantasy figures but now totally robotic.

    Many thanks for such an excellent website – hope you’ll keep in touch with your appreciative clientele.

    Hope to meet you in your next endeavour !!

  25. Avatar Scott

    Once I saw the website was having problems, I began to worry. Then when I saw it had finally been taken offline, I was truly disappointed. All your hard work over the years was certainly appreciated, as you had the finest collection anywhere. More substantial and satisfying than Playboy.com itself! Good luck to you, and thanks again for all the great high quality images.

  26. Avatar joelunchbox

    Waht is funny is that your website got me to join playboy’s cyber club…I wanted to see more pictures! Would be interesting to know how much that happened…

  27. Avatar Luis F.

    You had made a great job with all the information and pictures about the playboy magazine , and , of course, we could see the history evolution of the humanity in the 20 century second half (50s to 2000s)the pictures show us, not just the girls, but the evolution thru the years, clothes, styles, the thinking and dreams of a moment, and his changes of values… thanks for everything!!! im really sad it ends, dont know where i can find now the girls from 60s and 70s …

    greetings from Brazil …

  28. Avatar surfk

    Great site – i enjoyed the match feature. Would be great if you could share your database as you close.

  29. Avatar Frank

    What a pity! Your site was THE BEST!! Maybe you could share your database via Bit Torrent or some similar application . . . Wishing you much happiness and all the best as repayment for all the enjoyment your site brought me!! Thanks!!

  30. Avatar Kerry

    Sorry to hear this loved the artistic work you site gave all of us. Sorry to see you go good luck in your future endevers.

  31. Avatar XenaGuy

    Too bad, but I’m extremely surprised that your site lasted for five years. PB is very litigious , and will sue immediately if you don’t do what they say. Thanks for the mammaries (memories)! 😉

  32. Avatar Tom

    Thanks and Good-Bye. You will be missed. Just keep in mind that you are just following the room. We each have our own. Soom fork and some intersect. It realy doesn’t seem like (5) five years. Are you sure? Boy how time can fly! Letus know of your next adventure of the path that you follow, you have a great creative talent, it would be wrong not to furture your abilities. REMEBER – we’er friends.

  33. Avatar Mike

    Great site. I downloaded each playmate as you sent it hoping to get the entire collection. I remember many of the older ones from peeking at my dads Playboy magazines. Sure wish I had taken the time to download the collection. Any chance of receiving it via e-mail as a package, or on CD?

    Best of luck in your endeavors. Keep us informed of what you will be doing.

  34. Avatar Don Mullican
    Don Mullican

    I am very sorry to see your site go but I suspicioned Playboy might be at the root of it when you were down for more than one day. Playboy(I wonder if they can get me for using their name here?) is notorious for zealous copyright enforcement. Good luck and I hope they leave you alone now. You had some fine pics and a good idea for them. I wouldn’t be surprised if Playboy now copies it in some form.
    I hope you don’t think this tactless at this time, but do you have idea where I can get some hi def pics of the very early Playmates; late 50’s & 60’s? Mickey Winters in Paticular.
    Anyway, good luck and let me know if there is anything I can do if Playboy won’t let you alone. 🙂

  35. Avatar Kevin

    Yes, as do many others, I must congratulate you on a wonderful site.
    It was great to be able to explore the whole history of the playmate, make comparisons and give our own ratings.
    The standard of pictures and the quality of organization of your site were both excellent.
    I too, wish I had made better use of the site but it just seemed to be a part of daily life after a while. No more!!!
    Is it greedy to wonder, with some of the others, if your resources have to be lost for ever??? And could we at least get some final results of all that voting.
    Thank you once again.


  36. Avatar Joe P.
    Joe P.

    Just as Akbar stated – Too bad Playboy Enterprises is too thick headed to see the benefit of your incredible site. Unfortunately I only discovered you 5 months ago, not 5 years ago. Your site had me reliving my growing up years, early adulthood, even looking into Playmates from the 50’s, 60’s, and early/mid 70’s that I never gave the time of day to before. I actually even bought old issues due to the exposure your site gave to these women WAY PAST The lame exposure that the Cyber Club, etc gave when I was a member of that. Even some of the newer Playmates, despite many with umpteen tattoos and shaved pre-pubescent looking “kitty” – your site had me taking a second look at Playboy after dismissing them in the early part of this decade (and canceling a 20+ year subscription) for the same silicone overdone, bottle blonde, cookie cutter rehash every month. Thank you for the Playmate of the Day and Match Race. I knew why you went down as soon as you did…just wish for once Playboy would realize the positive publicity you gave them, especially for free.

  37. Avatar Sebastian

    It was a great site. I enjoyed it a lot. Sorry to see it go. On the other hand, I’m glad you emailed to let us know what happened.

  38. Avatar Cam

    What a pity. I loved your site and visited on a daily basis. Damn you Hugh!

  39. Avatar Lenny

    grazie mille per questi cinque anni

  40. Avatar Thomas J
    Thomas J

    Rotten of pb…anytime someone shows a free spirit, or great idea, it seems some corporation feels the need to be violated in some fashion, and that is the end…i grew up reading pb, but since the mid 90’s ran away from the shaven, implanted, lipoed, surgically altered aliens in pb…with hef, it seems its all about the money and not about the art anymore…he has lost touch with the people who got him where he is…gonna miss my updates…great job and thanks for letting us know what happend…

  41. Avatar Sunny Brook
    Sunny Brook

    Please keep my email for any list you may be involved with. Anything you do will surely be outstanding.

    Thanks for all the joy with PlayMail.

  42. Avatar Pete

    I don’t understand how you infringed on copywrite when you were not selling. Thanks for 5 good years.

  43. Avatar joe

    Great website… a chance for everyone to see some REAL and natural beauties, the way they were meant to be. We will miss you

  44. Avatar GM

    ah, what a shame, what a shame. I only wish l’d stumbled upon it 5 years ago.
    Pics you just can’t find anywhere else: curvy, natural women.
    Thank You.

  45. Avatar imu

    real shame its down for good.
    The general collection(1953-2007) is available by searching in any torrent site “playboy collection”

    but the layout playmail had and more extra pics was priceless. hopefully someone took the time to d/l all pics and will torrent entire collection soon.

  46. Avatar BunnyRabbitEars

    Yeah, a shame, but fun while it lasted.
    Thanks for all the effort you’ve put into the site over the years.

  47. Avatar Klydezilla

    I too joined Cyber Club after seeing many of the playmates from your site. PEI does not think about the ripple effect, which is a shame. I’ll miss the site.

  48. Avatar Dave

    Sure gonna miss you :-{

  49. Avatar sigh senechalis

    great shame, but thank you for the time and effort to bring joy to many.

  50. Avatar King Arthur
    King Arthur

    I can’t begin to express my appreciation for all the pleasant memories of years past. As others have commented, it is really a shame that Playboy is too short-sighted to see how your site benefits them. Good luck in any future endeavors, and please keep my e-mail address in your mailing list for any future ventures.

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